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SKJ speaks internationally about Judaism, women, Israel, Zionism, anti semitism, and effective activism – or just how to not let people drive you crazy. She has been hosted in the US, the UK and Israel at synagogues, Jewish community centers, conferences and private events.

Speaking Engagements

What will our children's Judaism look like?

How we create and maintain a healthy Orthodox community that our children will want to remain in. How we can work together to impact the trends in Orthodoxy. Find out what you can do to make lasting change for the better.

The Dangers of Erasing Women

In today’s frum community, images of women and girls are all but gone – from magazines, books, and advertisements. Pictures in parsha books, of Shabbat tables – even in Megillot – consist solely of men and boys. This visual shift has a negative impact  on our community in a myriad of ways – what, if anything, can we do about it?

Agunot, nothing we can do....?

The phenomenon of Jewish women chained in marriage is an inevitable part of Jewish life… Or is it? In this talk we’ll discuss the difference between an agunah and a mesurevet get, where changes have been made, where they still can be implemented, and why man-made problems have man-made solutions.

Building Up, Not Tearing Down

How to make positive change in the community: Using real life examples from the Jewish community, we explore the vital steps and ingredients to make effective communal change. We’ll showcase the tools, skills, and strategies we know to work, and suggest ways for you to help in your own community.

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